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Fialka was known as a more complex version of the Enigma, created by Russian military for communicating within the Soviet Union and Warsaw pact in the 1960s- early 1970s. Compared to the Enigma's three rotors, Fialka had ten rotors- giving way to…

The Enigma was an electromechanical cipher machine used by Germany in WWII. It came in the form of a typewriter and was adopted by the German Army, Air Force, and Navy to secure communications.

In 1939, Alan Turing broke the cipher and developed…

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The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is an outdated form of encryption that became vulnerable to brute-force attacks, and was replaced by AES. Developed by IBM in the 1970s, it was used by the U.S. government as their official Federal Information…

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The Confederate Cipher Disk was used in The American Civil War by the Confederate Army. Created by Francis LaBarre and based on the Vigenère Cipher, it consisted of two brass discs with the alphabet on each. As a mechanical cipher tool, it allowed…

Caesar Cipher.png
The Caesar Cipher is one of the oldest ciphers, used by Julius Caesar to communicate with his generals. It works by shifting the alphabet down by a fixed number, or key. Due to the simplicity, it can be broken if the crypanalyst knows that a simple…

The Atbash Cipher is a monoalphabetic substitution cipher that is relatively simple and does not require a key. Instead of a key, the substitution simply relies on reversing the alphabet. Therefore, 'A' becomes 'Z', 'B' becomes 'Y', and so forth.…

The Affine Cipher is a form of substitution cipher that involves math. The shift of the alphabet- while transpositioning plaintext into ciphertext is determined by a mathematical equation. This equation is:

E(x) = (ax+b) mod m

E(x) = The…

The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a symmetric block cipher that was began development in 1997 to replace the Data Encryption Standard. It chosen as the U.S. federal government standard encryption algorithm in 2002. In 2003, it became the…

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The ADFGVX cipher was developed by Colonel Fritz Nebel and introduced in March 1918. Germany used it as a field cipher during WWI. It was named the ADFGVX cipher for the letters used to create ciphertext, chosen for their distinctiveness in morse…

The Triple Data Encryption Standard was derived (3DES) was derived from DES, when DES began to falter as a secure form of encryption and before AES was developed.

As suggested by the title, it works by running DES three times with three different…
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