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The T-52 G-Schreiber was developed around 1930 by Siemens & Halske. It was used by the Germans in WWII in conjunction with the Enigma and Lorenz. Intercepting messages that were in-depth enough to decipher was difficult for Allied codebreakers…

Fialka was known as a more complex version of the Enigma, created by Russian military for communicating within the Soviet Union and Warsaw pact in the 1960s- early 1970s. Compared to the Enigma's three rotors, Fialka had ten rotors- giving way to…

The Enigma was an electromechanical cipher machine used by Germany in WWII. It came in the form of a typewriter and was adopted by the German Army, Air Force, and Navy to secure communications.

In 1939, Alan Turing broke the cipher and developed…

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The Confederate Cipher Disk was used in The American Civil War by the Confederate Army. Created by Francis LaBarre and based on the Vigenère Cipher, it consisted of two brass discs with the alphabet on each. As a mechanical cipher tool, it allowed…
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