Modern Encryption

Dublin Core


Modern Encryption


The analysis of modern encryption techniques


Modern Encryption Analyses features the performance analyses of encryption techniques and methodologies. These encryption techniques are unique due to their platform application. Unlike preceding cryptographic efforts, these take place on the relatively recent technological advancement of computers. Therefore, the efforts are for the purpose of data encryption. Such analyses include the obsolete Data Encryption Standard (DES), its iteration Triple Data Encryption Standard(3DES), and its successor Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).

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The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a symmetric block cipher that was began development in 1997 to replace the Data Encryption Standard. It chosen as the U.S. federal government standard encryption algorithm in 2002. In 2003, it became the…

The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is an outdated form of encryption that became vulnerable to brute-force attacks, and was replaced by AES. Developed by IBM in the 1970s, it was used by the U.S. government as their official Federal Information…

The Triple Data Encryption Standard was derived (3DES) was derived from DES, when DES began to falter as a secure form of encryption and before AES was developed.

As suggested by the title, it works by running DES three times with three different…
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